new blog

every engineer has the ever-lasting desire to rewrite their blog using some new language or technology. i am not an exception.


the last iteration of this blog i focused on making the web site as fast and accessible as possible. as an extra challenge, i wanted to accomplish this without being too heavy handed into neglecting frameworks. the previous iteration used astro. i don't have too many opinions on web tech, but i think it was okay, nothing spectacular. i figured it appealed to other web developers who had more experience with larger applications and needed components. i found myself out of place because my web sites are usually so simple they don't need that kind of abstraction and tooling. however, i did enjoy creating a rehype plugin to syntax highlight the code blocks on my websute using tree-sitter. i love when tools i use give me the freedom to make things the way i see fit, i'll never get bored or tired of computers.


i've recently fallen in love with emacs. initially i was curious about lisp and how apparently lisp had everything 50 years before other mainstream programming languages. emacs is the go-to editor for lisp, but i've also fell in love with configuring (extending…) my editor in lisp. i love the interopability, i love the introspection capabilities. i love having a fuzzy searchable menu of all functions and variables in use of the editor. i love click on entries and being served the literal source code for how those functions or variables are defined or used. i love being able to just tap in and use them for my own extensions. try doing that with vscode. (i'm currently doing that for work and it's a pain in the ass.)


i'm not a huge org mode fan. i don't care about note taking or linked documents or having a wiki. i can't even keep a simple todo list. i just dm myself tasks / relevant info to myself in slack for work. i've tried using things like linear and such for project management, and it's just not my vibe. oddly enough i work best by default, i don't really lose track of things (they stay in my head.)

this site is generated using org mode. i don't have anything fancy other than the html exporter and some custom CSS.

geocities inspiration

the style of this web site is inspired by geocities, and in general older web sites (late 90s early 2000s.) i have tried to replicate certain design motifs with a modern feel (mobile awareness) so that the look is preserved while the usability isn't. i really liked the tiled space backgrounds. i even figured out how to create my own that don't look too jarring. (try and find my signature in the tiled texture of the site home!)

Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.9)